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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     P L A N T - P L O T T E R ' S   Q U E S T     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                                 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'''''       +-------------------------------------------+
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'             | Greenpeace                                |
%%%'''''''%%%%              +-------------------------------------------+
%%  N A V  %%%%               Greenpeace  was the  driving force behind
%%%:::::::%%%%%%              a game with such a unique premise.
%%           %%%             
%  + ABOUT    %%%             http://www.greenpeace.org/
%  + DOWNLOAD %%%
%  + LINKS    %%%            
%%           %%%            +-------------------------------------------+
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'             | Other Inspirations                        |
%%%%%%%%%%'''               +-------------------------------------------+
%%%%%''''                     Nethack,  because the  dev-team thinks of
''''                          EVERYTHING...


                              Other projects I've made  that are hosted
                              by the kind kind folks at Sourceforge:

                              MAJOB, a web-browser:

                              jFlagCap, a more advanced game:

         | Contact                                                      |
           The above listed  projects aren't the  only things I've ever
           created. I am in the process of finding hosting. So, if you
           have questions about PPQ, any of my other projects, if you
           would like help with a project, or you feel like pestering
           somebody about the state of this site, you may e-mail me at


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